Sustainable Development Goals

Santillana and Richmond understand that, through education, we can transform the world. Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals in our educational projects is a good way for students to understand them and work, from early ages, towards building a more sustainable future.
With this infographic, we invitie you to lear, in a very visual way, our 2021 Social Action plan.

What can I do for the 2030 Agenda?
As citizens, we have an important role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. With small actions, we can transform the world.
One of the main characteristics of the 2030 Agenda is its multiactor nature. The public sector and organizations are key agents for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. But citizens also have an important role. We are all part of the solution. The United Nations Be The Change initiative provides all citizens with action guidelines that, if included in our daily routine, can contribute to the 2030 Agenda: the Lazy Person´s Guide to Saving the World and 170 Actions to Transform the World.
The first step is to learn about the Sustainable Development Goals: know their action lines and help and help spread the word, making our close community aware of them. The UN also offers resources to explain the 2030 Agenda to children, so they can become committed citizens from early childhood.
There are many actions we can carry out at work, at schools and at home, to live in a more sustainable way, such as changing consumption patterns, using less contaminating transportation means and buy local food. Here are some ideas:

Sponsor a child so he or she can have access to food, health and education and buy fair trade products to support a sustainable system, that gives workers a fair wage.

Don´t waste food and donate non-persihable food to charity.

Have a healthier lifestyle, with a balanced diet and good habits.

Donate books to libraries or public schools that need them and help raise awareness about the SDG in our community.

Promote geneder equality at home and at work and support international campaigns to end slavery, forced labor, human trafficking and forced marriages.

Save water in our daily activities, closing faucets when possible and supporting organizations that take water to zones in need of it.

Support renewable energies and promote energy saving, turning down the heater with small tricks sucha as having carpets at home to keep it warm inside.

Promote work opportunities for young people, guaranteeing safe work conditions and stability.

Finance projects that provide infrastructure to satisfy basic needs, keep up to date with the latest technologies and innovation and help cities be sustainable by, for example, donating electronic devices instead of throwing them away.

Respect ethnic, cultural and gender diversity, avoid stereotypes and support campaigns that place special attention to vulnerable collectives and the reduction of inquietes.

Walk, ride a bike and use public transport every time you can.

Recycle, use reusable containers and reduce the consumption of plastic. Buy products from companies that foster Sustainibility, Human Rights and Social Responsibility and promote the reuse of products.

Reduce energy consumption, use low consumption lights and natural light whenever possible. Raise awareness on how to stop global warming.

Buy proximity sea products and support organizations that protect the oceans.

Reduce the use of paper and recycle, eat less meat and when shopping, make decisions that respect the environment.

Participate in our country’s decision making processes in an informed way. If we witness violence, report it.

Find synergies and promote collaboration with organizations in different countries, with which we share objectives.
The 2030 Agenda is transformative and we are all responsible of being part of change.
The time to act is now.